Zion Ev. Lutheran Church and School is located in Prairie City (rural Rockville, MO) about a mile south of B Highway and one-half mile east of O Highway, or 5 miles west of Rockville and 10 miles east of Rich Hill. We are a member congregation of the LCMS, and receive with joy the gift of forgiveness that Christ Jesus won for us by His life and death on the cross. Come and receive those gifts with us!
Adult Bible Class: in the church building
Sunday School: 3 year olds to 12th grade in the Parish Hall and school classrooms
We are a confessional congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
We preach Christ crucified from the Holy Scriptures and we worship according to the historic liturgy of the Church. We teach the faith confessed in the Creeds of the Church and the Book of Concord because these are correct expositions of God's Word of Holy Scripture.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about what we believe, teach, and confess.
Thanks be to God!
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