
First Sunday of Advent

   On the first Sunday of Advent, November 28, we take turns as members of our church family place personalized ornaments on our Christmas tree. 

   Ornaments include the written names of saints and sinners as well as many saints who have gone to their eternal rest. Zion's Youth Group sponsors this event every year and will fill any empty spaces with Christoms that the Ladies' Aid hand-crafted.  

   This is a special and treasured event that we all look forward to every year.

Come, Lord Jesus.

Zion Receives Grant from LCMS To Purchase Broadcasting Equipment

Zion Lutheran has received a grant from the Esther 4:14 National Grant Program to upgrade our video streaming capabilities by purchasing a professional quality PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) camera that will allow our Divine Services to be recorded and broadcast over the Internet.  The grant program was established this year because “New technologies and communication techniques have enabled us to proclaim the Lord's timeless truth in new and exciting ways.”  Its name refers to the Esther 4:14 phrase “for such a time as this”. 

Our grant for $1150 (one of 225 grants from a $250,000 fund) will allow us to purchase a PTZ camera .  The new camera will replace an iPhone that was used during the pandemic.  The new recording equipment will allow homebound members of Zion to watch services and opens a door for unchurched in our area and around the world to learn about the saving salvation of Jesus Christ.

Zion's Voter Assembly approved the purchase of the system on Sunday, July 11, 2021. An August installation date is scheduled.  We sincerely appreciate the anonymous donor who provided the $250,000 to the LCMS to fund this program.  
